

Pada Kesempatan kali ini saya akan share tentang game yang berjudul Sacred 2  Fallen Angel.Game ini bergeneral petulangan.jika berminat silakan download.
Minimum Spek
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 2.4GHz
Memory: 1GB
Hard disk space: 20GB
Video: 256MB RAM nVidia Geforce/ATi Radeon
Cara Install
1. Burn or mount the images
2. Install the game
3. OPTIONAL: Install the third dvd for Elite GFX Textures as included in the Sacred 2 Collector’s Edition
4. Install the updates from the Updates folder on dvd 2
5. Copy the content of the Crack folder on dvd 2 to the system folder in your installation dir
6. Play
Game Name: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel DVD1 
File Name: rld-s2fa.iso 
File Size: 7.86 GB

Game Name: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel DVD2 
File Name: rld-s2fb.iso 
File Size: 4.83 GB
Game Name: Sacred 2: Fallen Angel DVD3 
File Name: rld-s2fc.iso 
File Size: 7.27 GB

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